
Welcome to the 评估 and 测试办公室!

评估 & 测试办公室 为学生提供测试服务,为学生的成功创造机会. 

You can contact us by e-mail at: nvc-assessment@189la.net



考核检测中心 Hours

Summer 办公时间 beginning June 3, 2024- July 26, 2024:

Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday-Sunday: 测试办公室 is Closed.


For General 招生 questions on 周五只有 请加入 在这里放大.

在我们的工作日办公时间进行TSI测试不需要预约. Walk-in’s are welcomed during these times. A physical ID is required to take the TSI test. It can be a drivers license, passport, high school ID, state ID. No photos of ID's can be accepted.


Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Information

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) 

德州成功倡议(TSI)评估是一项州强制的分班考试, used to assess a student's proficiency in Writing, 阅读, 和数学. For more detailed information on the TSI, please refer to the 学生信息手册

If you have previously taken the TSI and need to submit scores to  NVC,  CLICK HERE to submit a request.  this allows NVC to pull your previous score report. 一旦我们拿到你的分数,我们会跟进你的下一个 注册步骤

You can also find your score report 在这里. 




* TSIA 2目前是免费提供给学生有一个 西北维斯塔学院的申请和初步考试管理.  这不适用于复测. Students needing TSIA 2 for the purpose of Credit or Early Admit are not eligible for No Cost option.   

的 following fees will apply for those not eligible for no cost TSI:

$32 完整的考试

$24 for English Language Arts and 阅读 only (may also include essay)

$12 仅适用于数学

$12 只适用于论文复试


的 TSI 评估 2 (TSIA 2) 大学 Level Placement Scores:



所有参加TSI测试的学生都必须完成GoFAAAR和测试准备模块,这些模块位于您的申请表的“开始这里”标签下 ace帐户.


  1. 的 importance of assessment in a student's academic career.
  2. Provide sample questions in all subject areas covered on the TSI.
  3. 提供发展教育选择的信息,包括课程配对, non-course基础, modular and other non-conventional interventions.
  4. 有关机构和社区资源的信息,可帮助学生在大学取得成功.


TSI豁免 & 豁免 

根据你以前的大学课程,你可能有资格获得TSI的豁免或豁免, military experience or previous test scores. Do not take the TSI if any of the following apply to you:




点击这里 for additional exemption information. 

Learn how to send your SAT scores by watching the video below.


TSIA 2测试时间 

T在这里 is no appointment required; See walk-in hours on top of this webpage.   


Please bring the following items with you:

  1. 照片的身份证
  2. Form of Payment (We accept cash or card only)
  3. A locker will be provided for other personal belongings

How long does it take to complete the TSI 评估?

的 TSI 评估 is not a timed test. 完成考试所有部分的平均时间约为4小时. 所有TSI部分必须在课程开始后的14天内完成. 

How long does it take to receive my scores?



TSI 评估 scores are valid for 5 years from the date of testing. 


TSI practice questions provided by 大学Board

TSIA 2 后期练习题

TSIA 2数学练习题

TSIA 2 Essay Practice Questions

无法在考试时间内完成TSI测试的学生可以通过Examity提交完成测试的请求. Examity is a third party proctoring service offered by request only. 

CLICK Here for Information on Taking TSI From Home




First Time In 大学 (FTiC) Students: 就业中心学生将在新生迎新活动(NSO)登记课程。.

Once all 注册步骤 have been completed, 注册NSO.

转学: 转学生将注册课程,并注册转学生和前学生迎新会.

Once all 注册步骤 have been completed, sign up for 转学生迎新.

有用的链接:校园资源 学生宣传 & 资源中心 奖学金 



考试办公室已经恢复了CLEP管理,并对西北维斯塔学院的学生开放.  Call 210-486-4346 to make an appointment. 

Tuesday at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM

Thursday at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM

If you want to take CLEP at home,  大学理事会提供了一个CLEP从家庭虚拟选项-你可以找到更多的信息 在这里

CLEP (大学 Level Examination Program) 

的 西北维斯塔学院 评估 & 测试办公室 is a testing site for CLEP exams. 如果您对参加CLEP考试感兴趣,请查看列表中列出的可用科目 大学理事会CLEP网页.



  • Make an appointment with 测试办公室 to take the CLEP on Campus.
  • CLEP考试至少提前30分钟到场.
  • Must have printed receipt for NVC CLEP Proctoring Fee
  • Must have print out of CLEP Registration Ticket.
  • Allow for at most 2 hours (3 hours if taking 大学 Composition CLEP).


Requirements to Award AP和CLEP Credit:

  • 大学理事会的官方成绩报告必须发送到西北远景学院.
  • Must meet the Credit by Exam Score Policy for AP和CLEP. 点击这里 to view CLEP/AP Credit Policy
    • 通知- AP统计课程学分奖励正在审查中,2020年秋季将从数学1442改为数学1342.  Fall 2020 Catalog will be updated after review.
  • Successfully completed 6 credit hours at 阿拉莫大学.
  • 学生的非传统学分总学时不得超过45小时. 
  • Credit by exam may not be awarded for a course given a grade. 例外:
    • 如果在人口普查前退出课程,可以通过考试获得学分;
    • 如果在人口普查后退出课程,必须从该学期的最后一天起等待六个月.
  • 学生必须通过考试申请向西北远景学院考试办公室提交学分, 使用AP和/或CLEP分数指定他们希望获得的课程.



For special accommodations for instructor exams please contact NVC Student Accessibility Services (Disabilities Support) 电话:210-486-4466或电子邮件 NVC-SAS@189la.net.